MostlyHarmless 0.0.1
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NmarvinA mostly harmless top-level namespace
 NcontainersViews, wrappers and custom containers
 NfifosFirst in, first out queues
 CSPSCA thread-safe, realtime-safe single producer single consumer fifo
 CBufferViewTrivially copyable view into a preallocated SampleType**
 CFixedCircularBufferA simple fixed length circular buffer
 CStrideViewNon owning view into an array-like, with a configurable step size
 Cconst_iteratorCustom const_iterator for a StrideView
 CiteratorCustom iterator for StrideView
 CSwapBufferConvenience type to handle the concept of an "active" buffer, and a "back" buffer
 NdspDSP helper and utility functions
 NfiltersDigital filter functions and classes
 CBiquadA cascading direct form ii biquad filter
 CBiquadCoefficientsA POD type for use with the Biquad class, and the SmoothedBiquadCoefficients class
 CLatticeAPFA two multiply first order Schroeder allpass filter
 CLPFA direct form i first order single pole lowpass filter
 CSmoothedBiquadCoefficientsHelper class to simplify smoothly changing BiquadCoefficients with no zippering
 CSVFA TPT State Variable Filter, based on the structure from Vadim Zavalishin's The Art of VA Filter Design
 CSVFResultPOD Struct containing the results from a tick on an instance of an SVF
 NoscillatorsOscillator functions and classes.
 CMultiOscillatorA switchable multi-shape oscillator, with optional BLEP
 CNoiseOscillatorA white noise oscillator
 COscillatorBaseBase class for all single-shape oscillator types
 CPulseOscillatorA pulse oscillator, with optional BLEP, and pulsewidth control
 CSawOscillatorA sawtooth oscillator, with optional BLEP
 CSineOscillatorA sine oscillator
 CSquareOscillatorA square oscillator, with optional BLEP
 CTriOscillatorA triangle oscillator, with optional BLAMP
 CFFTClass for performing real or complex 1D FFTs
 CgetValueType< T >
 CDelayLineA fractional delay line implementation, with configurable interpolation types
 NlibraryStandard library-esque utilities
 CPropagateConstA compiler-support agnostic implementation of std::propagate_const
 NmathMath helper functions and classes
 CWindowedSincInterpolatorA windowed sinc interpolator, suitable for use in a realtime context
 NwindowsVarious windowing functions. An interactive graph with more intuition than the textual documentation can give can be found here
 CPrecomputedWindowHelper class for cacheing a window function in a lookup table
 CHadamardA helper class to apply an NxN Hadamard matrix to a given input array-like
 CHouseholderA helper class to apply an NxN Householder matrix to a given input array-like
 CLeakyIntegratorAn integrator of a continuous signal which leaks a small amount of said signal over time
 CReciprocalClass to handle mapping from one range to another (warped) range, based on the reciprocal function 1/x
 CReciprocalRangeConvenience POD struct for representing a range used by marvin::math::ReciprocalRange
 NutilsUtility helper functions and classes
 CRandomGeneratorA class for (pseudo) random number generation
 CRangePOD type that represents a range of values, for classes requiring a min and a max
 CSmoothedValueA utility class to smooth discrete values over a given period
 Nmostly_harmlessThe top-level namespace, contains all things plugin-related
 NcoreContains core functionality of the framework
 CIEditorInterface for the plugin's gui functionality
 CIEngineInterface for the plugin's audio processing functionality
 CInitContextContainer for context passed to IEngine::initialise
 CIPluginEntryInterface for registering the user's subclasses with the framework
 CISharedStateBase class for the plugin's shared state
 CProcessContextContainer for context passed to IEngine::process
 NeventsContains classes and functions related to events
 CGuiToProcParamEventPOD type representing a param change event from the gui, to be passed to the audio thread
 CInputEventContextTrivially copyable wrapper around the clap-api provided clap_input_events queue, for easier iterating
 CProcToGuiParamEventPOD type representing a param change event from the host, to be passed to the gui
 CWebEventAn convenience wrapper around an event to send to a webview
 NguiContains GUI related classes & functions
 CColourConvenience struct representing a colour
 CWebviewBaseConvenience wrapper layer implementing the creation and management of a choc::ui::WebView. Still abstract, as setParams is left up to the user to implement in a way they see fit
 COptionsContains a set of options to construct the internal webview with
 CResourceTiny container struct for web resources
 CWebviewEditorAn opinionated subclass of WebviewBase, providing default impls for bidirectional comms
 CPluginBaseThe internal representation of a Plugin, more akin to JUCE's Processor
 NutilsContains general purpose utility classes & functions
 COnScopeExitFunctor to run some code when this variable goes out of scope
 CProxyHelper class for managing lifetimes of captured references in a lambda
 CLoopInfoConvenience struct holding relevant positional info about a loop the host may currently be running
 CParameterContainer class for a single parameter
 CParameterIDConvenience class for generating a parameter id
 CTimeSignatureConvenience struct holding the numerator and denominator of a time signature. Two ints in a trenchcoat
 CTransportStateContains info from the host about the current transport state