MostlyHarmless 0.0.1
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::Biquad< SampleType, NumStages >A cascading direct form ii biquad filter
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >A POD type for use with the Biquad class, and the SmoothedBiquadCoefficients class
 Cmarvin::containers::BufferView< SampleType >Trivially copyable view into a preallocated SampleType**
 Cmostly_harmless::gui::ColourConvenience struct representing a colour
 Cmarvin::containers::StrideView< T, Stride >::const_iteratorCustom const_iterator for a StrideView
 Cmarvin::dsp::DelayLine< SampleType, InterpolationType >A fractional delay line implementation, with configurable interpolation types
 Cmarvin::dsp::spectral::FFT< SampleType >Class for performing real or complex 1D FFTs
 Cmarvin::containers::FixedCircularBuffer< T, N >A simple fixed length circular buffer
 Cmarvin::dsp::spectral::getValueType< T >
 Cmarvin::dsp::spectral::getValueType< T >
 Cmostly_harmless::events::GuiToProcParamEventPOD type representing a param change event from the gui, to be passed to the audio thread
 Cmarvin::math::Hadamard< SampleType, size >A helper class to apply an NxN Hadamard matrix to a given input array-like
 Cmarvin::math::Householder< SampleType, size >A helper class to apply an NxN Householder matrix to a given input array-like
 Cmostly_harmless::core::IEditorInterface for the plugin's gui functionality
 Cmostly_harmless::gui::WebviewBaseConvenience wrapper layer implementing the creation and management of a choc::ui::WebView. Still abstract, as setParams is left up to the user to implement in a way they see fit
 Cmostly_harmless::gui::WebviewEditorAn opinionated subclass of WebviewBase, providing default impls for bidirectional comms
 Cmostly_harmless::core::IEngineInterface for the plugin's audio processing functionality
 Cmostly_harmless::core::InitContextContainer for context passed to IEngine::initialise
 Cmostly_harmless::events::InputEventContextTrivially copyable wrapper around the clap-api provided clap_input_events queue, for easier iterating
 Cmostly_harmless::core::IPluginEntryInterface for registering the user's subclasses with the framework
 Cmostly_harmless::core::ISharedStateBase class for the plugin's shared state
 Cmarvin::containers::StrideView< T, Stride >::iteratorCustom iterator for StrideView
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::LatticeAPF< SampleType >A two multiply first order Schroeder allpass filter
 Cmarvin::math::LeakyIntegrator< SampleType >An integrator of a continuous signal which leaks a small amount of said signal over time
 Cmostly_harmless::LoopInfoConvenience struct holding relevant positional info about a loop the host may currently be running
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::LPF< SampleType >A direct form i first order single pole lowpass filter
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::MultiOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimit >A switchable multi-shape oscillator, with optional BLEP
 Cmostly_harmless::utils::OnScopeExitFunctor to run some code when this variable goes out of scope
 Cmostly_harmless::gui::WebviewBase::OptionsContains a set of options to construct the internal webview with
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::OscillatorBase< SampleType >Base class for all single-shape oscillator types
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::PulseOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimiting::Off >
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::SawOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimiting::Off >
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::SquareOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimiting::Off >
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::TriOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimiting::Off >
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::NoiseOscillator< SampleType >A white noise oscillator
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::PulseOscillator< SampleType, Blep >A pulse oscillator, with optional BLEP, and pulsewidth control
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::SawOscillator< SampleType, Blep >A sawtooth oscillator, with optional BLEP
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::SineOscillator< SampleType >A sine oscillator
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::SquareOscillator< SampleType, Blep >A square oscillator, with optional BLEP
 Cmarvin::dsp::oscillators::TriOscillator< SampleType, Blamp >A triangle oscillator, with optional BLAMP
 Cmostly_harmless::Parameter< SampleType >Container class for a single parameter
 Cmostly_harmless::ParameterIDConvenience class for generating a parameter id
 Cmostly_harmless::internal::PluginBaseThe internal representation of a Plugin, more akin to JUCE's Processor
 Cmarvin::math::windows::PrecomputedWindow< SampleType, NumPoints >Helper class for cacheing a window function in a lookup table
 Cmostly_harmless::core::ProcessContextContainer for context passed to IEngine::process
 Cmostly_harmless::events::ProcToGuiParamEventPOD type representing a param change event from the host, to be passed to the gui
 Cmarvin::library::PropagateConst< T >A compiler-support agnostic implementation of std::propagate_const
 Cmostly_harmless::utils::Proxy< T >Helper class for managing lifetimes of captured references in a lambda
 Cmarvin::utils::RandomGenerator< Engine >A class for (pseudo) random number generation
 Cmarvin::utils::Range< T >POD type that represents a range of values, for classes requiring a min and a max
 Cmarvin::math::Reciprocal< T >Class to handle mapping from one range to another (warped) range, based on the reciprocal function 1/x
 Cmarvin::math::ReciprocalRange< T >Convenience POD struct for representing a range used by marvin::math::ReciprocalRange
 Cmostly_harmless::gui::WebviewBase::ResourceTiny container struct for web resources
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::SmoothedBiquadCoefficients< SampleType, InterpolationType, NumStages >Helper class to simplify smoothly changing BiquadCoefficients with no zippering
 Cmarvin::utils::SmoothedValue< SampleType, Type >A utility class to smooth discrete values over a given period
 Cmarvin::containers::fifos::SPSC< T >A thread-safe, realtime-safe single producer single consumer fifo
 Cmarvin::containers::StrideView< T, Stride >Non owning view into an array-like, with a configurable step size
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::SVF< SampleType >A TPT State Variable Filter, based on the structure from Vadim Zavalishin's The Art of VA Filter Design
 Cmarvin::dsp::filters::SVFResult< SampleType >POD Struct containing the results from a tick on an instance of an SVF
 Cmarvin::containers::SwapBuffer< T >Convenience type to handle the concept of an "active" buffer, and a "back" buffer
 Cmostly_harmless::TimeSignatureConvenience struct holding the numerator and denominator of a time signature. Two ints in a trenchcoat
 Cmostly_harmless::TransportStateContains info from the host about the current transport state
 Cmostly_harmless::events::WebEventAn convenience wrapper around an event to send to a webview
 Cmarvin::math::interpolators::WindowedSincInterpolator< SampleType, N, WindowType >A windowed sinc interpolator, suitable for use in a realtime context