MostlyHarmless 0.0.1
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marvin_NamespaceDocs.h File Reference

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namespace  marvin
 A mostly harmless top-level namespace.
namespace  marvin::containers
 Views, wrappers and custom containers.
namespace  marvin::containers::fifos
 First in, first out queues.
namespace  marvin::dsp
 DSP helper and utility functions.
namespace  marvin::dsp::filters
 Digital filter functions and classes.
namespace  marvin::dsp::filters::rbj
 Implementations of Robert Brinstow Johnson's RBJ Cookbook formulae.
namespace  marvin::dsp::oscillators
 Oscillator functions and classes..
namespace  marvin::library
 Standard library-esque utilities.
namespace  marvin::math
 Math helper functions and classes.
namespace  marvin::math::vecops
 Collection of basic arithmetic operations on vectors, SIMD accelerated where possible.
namespace  marvin::math::windows
 Various windowing functions. An interactive graph with more intuition than the textual documentation can give can be found here
namespace  marvin::utils
 Utility helper functions and classes.