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marvin_Oscillator.h File Reference

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class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::OscillatorBase< SampleType >
 Base class for all single-shape oscillator types. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::SineOscillator< SampleType >
 A sine oscillator. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::TriOscillator< SampleType, Blamp >
 A triangle oscillator, with optional BLAMP. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::SawOscillator< SampleType, Blep >
 A sawtooth oscillator, with optional BLEP. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::SquareOscillator< SampleType, Blep >
 A square oscillator, with optional BLEP. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::PulseOscillator< SampleType, Blep >
 A pulse oscillator, with optional BLEP, and pulsewidth control. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::NoiseOscillator< SampleType >
 A white noise oscillator. More...
class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::MultiOscillator< SampleType, Bandlimit >
 A switchable multi-shape oscillator, with optional BLEP. More...


namespace  marvin
 A mostly harmless top-level namespace.
namespace  marvin::dsp
 DSP helper and utility functions.
namespace  marvin::dsp::oscillators
 Oscillator functions and classes..


enum class  marvin::dsp::oscillators::Bandlimiting { marvin::dsp::oscillators::Off , marvin::dsp::oscillators::On }
 Enum to configure PolyBLEP or BLAMP where applicable, to classes deriving from marvin::oscillators::OscillatorBase. More...