34 template <marvin::FloatType SampleType,
size_t NumPo
41 explicit PrecomputedWindow(std::array<SampleType, NumPoints>&& lut) : m_lut(std::move(lut)) {
49 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
operator()(SampleType proportion)
const {
50 using namespace marvin::literals;
51 const auto rescaled = proportion * (NumPoints - 1_sz);
52 const auto truncated = std::trunc(rescaled);
53 const auto delta = rescaled - truncated;
54 const auto index0{
static_cast<size_t>(truncated) };
55 const auto index1 = index0 + 1;
56 const auto pointA = m_lut[index0];
57 const auto pointB = m_lut[index1];
63 std::array<SampleType, NumPoints> m_lut;
72 template <FloatType SampleType>
73 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
sine(SampleType n, SampleType N) {
74 static constexpr auto pi = std::numbers::pi_v<SampleType>;
75 const auto window = std::sin((pi * n) / (N - 1));
87 template <FloatType SampleType>
88 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
tukey(SampleType n, SampleType NumPoints, SampleType alpha) {
92 const auto N{ NumPoints - 1 };
93 const auto alphaN = alpha * N;
94 const auto NOverTwo = N /
95 const auto aNOverTwo = alphaN /
96 if (n >= 0 && n <= aNOverTwo) {
98 constexpr static auto twoPi =
>(2.0) * std::numbers::pi_v<SampleType>;
99 const auto cosine = std::cos((twoPi * n) / alphaN);
100 const auto res =
>(0.5) * (
>(1.0 - cosine));
102 }
else if (n > aNOverTwo && n <= NOverTwo) {
103 return static_cast<SampleType
105 const auto reverseIndex = N - n;
106 return tukey(reverseIndex, N, alpha);
116 template <FloatType SampleType>
118 constexpr static auto a0{ 0.35875 };
119 constexpr static auto a1{ 0.48829 };
120 constexpr static auto a2{ 0.14128 };
121 constexpr static auto a3{ 0.01168 };
122 constexpr static auto pi{ std::numbers::pi_v<double> };
123 constexpr static auto twoPi{ pi * 2.0 };
124 constexpr static auto fourPi{ pi * 4.0 };
125 constexpr static auto sixPi{ pi * 6.0 };
126 const auto position =
static_cast<double>(n) /
static_cast<double>(N - 1);
127 const auto a1Term = a1 * std::cos(position * twoPi);
128 const auto a2Term = a2 * std::cos(position * fourPi);
129 const auto a3Term = a3 * std::cos(position * sixPi);
130 const auto result = a0 - a1Term + a2Term - a3Term;
131 return static_cast<SampleType
144 template <FloatType SampleType>
145 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
cosineSum(SampleType n, SampleType N, SampleType alpha) {
147 const auto a0 = alpha;
148 const auto a1 =
>(1.0) - alpha;
149 constexpr static auto twoPi = std::numbers::pi_v<SampleType> *
150 const auto ratio = n / (N - 1);
151 const auto cosine = std::cos(twoPi * ratio);
152 const auto a1Scaled = a1 * cosine;
153 const auto res = a0 - a1Scaled;
163 template <FloatType SampleType>
164 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
hann(SampleType n, SampleType N) {
165 return cosineSum(n, N,
174 template <FloatType SampleType>
175 [[nodiscard]] SampleType
hamming(SampleType n, SampleType N) {
176 constexpr static auto alpha =
>(25.0 / 46.0);
SampleType operator()(SampleType proportion) const
Definition marvin_Windows.h:49
PrecomputedWindow(std::array< SampleType, NumPoints > &&lut)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:41
Various windowing functions. An interactive graph with more intuition than the textual documentation ...
Definition marvin_Windows.h:17
SampleType cosineSum(SampleType n, SampleType N, SampleType alpha)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:145
SampleType blackmanHarris(SampleType n, SampleType N)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:117
SampleType sine(SampleType n, SampleType N)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:73
SampleType hamming(SampleType n, SampleType N)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:175
SampleType hann(SampleType n, SampleType N)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:164
SampleType tukey(SampleType n, SampleType NumPoints, SampleType alpha)
Definition marvin_Windows.h:88
Definition marvin_Windows.h:22
@ Hann
Definition marvin_Windows.h:27
@ Sine
Definition marvin_Windows.h:23
@ Hamming
Definition marvin_Windows.h:28
@ BlackmanHarris
Definition marvin_Windows.h:25
@ Tukey
Definition marvin_Windows.h:24
@ CosineSum
Definition marvin_Windows.h:26
T lerp(T start, T end, T ratio) noexcept
Definition marvin_Math.h:32