Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼Nmarvin | A mostly harmless top-level namespace |
▼Ncontainers | Views, wrappers and custom containers |
Nfifos | First in, first out queues |
▼Ndsp | DSP helper and utility functions |
▼Nfilters | Digital filter functions and classes |
Nrbj | Implementations of Robert Brinstow Johnson's RBJ Cookbook formulae |
Noscillators | Oscillator functions and classes. |
Nspectral | |
Nlibrary | Standard library-esque utilities |
▼Nmath | Math helper functions and classes |
Ninterpolators | |
Nvecops | Collection of basic arithmetic operations on vectors, SIMD accelerated where possible |
Nwindows | Various windowing functions. An interactive graph with more intuition than the textual documentation can give can be found here |
Nutils | Utility helper functions and classes |
▼Nmostly_harmless | The top-level namespace, contains all things plugin-related |
Naudio | Contains audio helpers and utilities |
Ncore | Contains core functionality of the framework |
Nevents | Contains classes and functions related to events |
▼Ngui | Contains GUI related classes & functions |
▼Nhelpers | Contains helper functions for gui handling |
Nmacos | MacOS specific gui helper functions |
Ninternal | |
▼Nutils | Contains general purpose utility classes & functions |
Ndirectories | |