MostlyHarmless 0.0.1
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NmarvinA mostly harmless top-level namespace
 NcontainersViews, wrappers and custom containers
 NfifosFirst in, first out queues
 NdspDSP helper and utility functions
 NfiltersDigital filter functions and classes
 NrbjImplementations of Robert Brinstow Johnson's RBJ Cookbook formulae
 NoscillatorsOscillator functions and classes.
 NlibraryStandard library-esque utilities
 NmathMath helper functions and classes
 NvecopsCollection of basic arithmetic operations on vectors, SIMD accelerated where possible
 NwindowsVarious windowing functions. An interactive graph with more intuition than the textual documentation can give can be found here
 NutilsUtility helper functions and classes
 Nmostly_harmlessThe top-level namespace, contains all things plugin-related
 NaudioContains audio helpers and utilities
 NcoreContains core functionality of the framework
 NeventsContains classes and functions related to events
 NguiContains GUI related classes & functions
 NhelpersContains helper functions for gui handling
 NmacosMacOS specific gui helper functions
 NutilsContains general purpose utility classes & functions