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marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > Struct Template Referencefinal

A POD type for use with the Biquad class, and the SmoothedBiquadCoefficients class. More...

#include <marvin_BiquadCoefficients.h>

Public Attributes

SampleType a0 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }
SampleType a1 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }
SampleType a2 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }
SampleType b0 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }
SampleType b1 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }
SampleType b2 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }


template<FloatType U>
bool operator== (const BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > &a, const BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > &b)

Detailed Description

template<FloatType SampleType>
struct marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >

A POD type for use with the Biquad class, and the SmoothedBiquadCoefficients class.

Assumes the a coeffs will be treated as the numerators (zeroes) and the b coeffs will be treated as the denominators (poles)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator==

template<FloatType SampleType>
template<FloatType U>
bool operator== ( const BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > & a,
const BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > & b )

Checks the equality of two BiquadCoefficients objects.

aA BiquadCoefficients object.
bA BiquadCoefficients object.
true if every coeff in a == every coeff in b, otherwise false.

Member Data Documentation

◆ a0

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::a0 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

◆ a1

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::a1 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

◆ a2

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::a2 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

◆ b0

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::b0 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

◆ b1

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::b1 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

◆ b2

template<FloatType SampleType>
SampleType marvin::dsp::filters::BiquadCoefficients< SampleType >::b2 { static_cast<SampleType>(0.0) }

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