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marvin::dsp::filters::rbj Namespace Reference

Implementations of Robert Brinstow Johnson's RBJ Cookbook formulae. More...


template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > lowpass (double sampleRate, SampleType cutoff, SampleType q) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > highpass (double sampleRate, SampleType cutoff, SampleType q) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > bandpass (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType bandwidth, SampleType peakGain) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > bandpass (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType bandwidth) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > notch (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType bandwidth) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > allpass (double sampleRate, SampleType cutoff, SampleType q) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > peak (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType bandwidth, SampleType dbGain) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > lowShelf (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType slope, SampleType dbGain) noexcept
template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > highShelf (double sampleRate, SampleType centreFrequency, SampleType slope, SampleType dbGain) noexcept

Detailed Description

Implementations of Robert Brinstow Johnson's RBJ Cookbook formulae.

Function Documentation

◆ allpass()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::allpass ( double sampleRate,
SampleType cutoff,
SampleType q )

An RBJ allpass implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
cutoffThe centre frequency of the allpass.
qThe resonance of the allpass (0 to 1).
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ bandpass() [1/2]

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::bandpass ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType bandwidth )

A constant 0db peak-gain RBJ bandpass implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the bandpass.
bandwidthThe bandwidth of the bandpass in octaves.
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ bandpass() [2/2]

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::bandpass ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType bandwidth,
SampleType peakGain )

A constant skirt-gain RBJ bandpass implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the bandpass.
peakGainThe peak gain of the bandpass (between 0 and 1)
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ highpass()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::highpass ( double sampleRate,
SampleType cutoff,
SampleType q )

An RBJ highpass implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
cutoffThe frequency of the highpass
qThe resonance of the highpass (between 0 and 1)
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ highShelf()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::highShelf ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType slope,
SampleType dbGain )

An RBJ high shelf implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the shelf.
slopeThe slope of the shelf in db/octave. At slope=1, the shelf is as steep as it can be. Should be between std::numeric_limits<SampleType>::min(), and 1`.
dbGainThe gain of the shelf, in decibels.
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ lowpass()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::lowpass ( double sampleRate,
SampleType cutoff,
SampleType q )

An RBJ lowpass implementation for use with the Biquad class, with formulae from the RBJ Cookbook

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
cutoffThe frequency of the lowpass
qThe resonance of the lowpass(between 0 and 1)
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.* /

◆ lowShelf()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::lowShelf ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType slope,
SampleType dbGain )

An RBJ low shelf implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the shelf.
slopeThe slope of the shelf in db/octave. At slope=1, the shelf is as steep as it can be. Should be between std::numeric_limits<SampleType>::min(), and 1`.
dbGainThe gain of the shelf, in decibels.
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ notch()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::notch ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType bandwidth )

An RBJ notch implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the notch.
bandwidthThe bandwidth of the notch in octaves.
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.

◆ peak()

template<FloatType SampleType>
BiquadCoefficients< SampleType > marvin::dsp::filters::rbj::peak ( double sampleRate,
SampleType centreFrequency,
SampleType bandwidth,
SampleType dbGain )

An RBJ bell implementation for use with the Biquad class, based on the formulae from the RBJ Cookbook (

sampleRateThe sample rate to base the calculations off.
centreFrequencyThe centre frequency of the bell.
bandwidthThe bandwidth of the bell in octaves.
dbGainThe gain of the bell, in decibels.
An instance of BiquadCoefficients populated with the resulting coefficients.